Monday, December 28, 2015

4 Laundry Tips From Liz.

     Sitting in the living room, and Liz says I have an idea for you. You should do a blog on laundry tips. I have the 3 best tips that save us money. After a lot of persuasion and arm-twisting, you could say she talked me into it and well here we go.
      TIP/1: Clothes drying rack preferably by a window with lots of sun. This is a 1 of 2. your clothes will dry faster and you will be wearing your favorite shirt in no time. In the summer turn a fan on and it works like a swamp cooler (make sure to close the bedroom door)
Drying rack.
     TIP/2: First of all let me just start off by saying as someone who has fixed appliances for years everybody uses too much fabric softener. It doesn't make any sense to use as much as we do. (Moving on) Get your fabric softener into a 5gallon bucket soak a sponge or tennis ball then put one or the other into the washer or dryer. Washer is fabric softener and dryer is fabric sheets.
Put either the sponge or tennis ball in both the washer and dryer.

      TIP/3: Make homemade laundry detergent and fabric softener. It is more time consuming then expensive. There are many good recipes you can find on google if you search homemade laundry soap and fabric softener. Take it from LIZ it works well. Store it in a 5gallon bucket and keep a lid on it. 

Homemade laundry soap.
That is about how much money we have been paying for the last 3 yrs.

The Fourth and final
TIP/4: Make febreze take your fabric softener homemade or not and use it like frebreze. Spray it on all fabrics furniture, clothes, carpets, in the car, rugs.. Also spray it on a paper towel or cloth and make a fabric sheet and now we have a whole other list of new ideas. Put the sheet in the dryer, in your closet, gabage can, seasonal clothes, air vents, laundry basket, drawers and dressers,
Fabric Sheet. 
These ideas are not for everyone, But a certain few may enjoy them and if you do please share Liz would be very happy to read and try them out. Please share.

                                                                 Thank you, again for reading.
                                                                                Jake & Liz King. 

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