Monday, December 28, 2015

4 Laundry Tips From Liz.

     Sitting in the living room, and Liz says I have an idea for you. You should do a blog on laundry tips. I have the 3 best tips that save us money. After a lot of persuasion and arm-twisting, you could say she talked me into it and well here we go.
      TIP/1: Clothes drying rack preferably by a window with lots of sun. This is a 1 of 2. your clothes will dry faster and you will be wearing your favorite shirt in no time. In the summer turn a fan on and it works like a swamp cooler (make sure to close the bedroom door)
Drying rack.
     TIP/2: First of all let me just start off by saying as someone who has fixed appliances for years everybody uses too much fabric softener. It doesn't make any sense to use as much as we do. (Moving on) Get your fabric softener into a 5gallon bucket soak a sponge or tennis ball then put one or the other into the washer or dryer. Washer is fabric softener and dryer is fabric sheets.
Put either the sponge or tennis ball in both the washer and dryer.

      TIP/3: Make homemade laundry detergent and fabric softener. It is more time consuming then expensive. There are many good recipes you can find on google if you search homemade laundry soap and fabric softener. Take it from LIZ it works well. Store it in a 5gallon bucket and keep a lid on it. 

Homemade laundry soap.
That is about how much money we have been paying for the last 3 yrs.

The Fourth and final
TIP/4: Make febreze take your fabric softener homemade or not and use it like frebreze. Spray it on all fabrics furniture, clothes, carpets, in the car, rugs.. Also spray it on a paper towel or cloth and make a fabric sheet and now we have a whole other list of new ideas. Put the sheet in the dryer, in your closet, gabage can, seasonal clothes, air vents, laundry basket, drawers and dressers,
Fabric Sheet. 
These ideas are not for everyone, But a certain few may enjoy them and if you do please share Liz would be very happy to read and try them out. Please share.

                                                                 Thank you, again for reading.
                                                                                Jake & Liz King. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Some public recognition

      6 months ago or so I made 10 or 12 cutting boards and sold them. Few months goes by and I get a letter and a cake at the bottom of the letter sits my name Jake King. As an artist and a businessman, I am thrilled and I would like to do it again and again. Being a maker, blogger and have a full-time job is not easy but very, very rewarding. Especially when you see this. Thank you, Thank you, thank you! I am never going to stop making things, I am never going to stop blogging. I am saying this 15-17 blogs in. The addiction is there and it has now seeped into my blood and I honestly can't get enough of the energy I feel after an excellent blog. Pinpointing my style and voice is going to be hard but worth the time and effort. Getting there is the journey and there are going to be a lot of really shitty blogs but I promise you the good, the awesome and amazing are still coming. Whatever it take's... 
                                                                                      Thanks, Jake King. 
Want to see more Like this blog!!!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Celebrity news isn't really news. STOP WATCHING IT!

      Celebrity news is the most stupid news on earth. Because this particular person has millions & millions of dollars we care. We as hard working class American's should not care about the Kardashian's, what sitcom 90's actor or actress look like now. Donald Trump, I can't read the news without seeing this name even before his bid for president. Moving on there are more important things for us to care about. The troops, your aging parents, your children, spouse, reading, doing more, exercising, discovering music, discovering your dreams, learning, vacationing, bonding with anyone, getting a job, going to work. I am just saying there are more important things to do then watching the VMAS and seeing 2 cars pull up and see Kim Kardashian gets out of ONE and her ass out of the other. She doesn't care about us why should we care about her.

       The Street Dogs have a song called the common people. LISTEN HERE.
The common people are some of the most amazing people. My father has worked all day every day for 40 years learning every trade he could. He is the Mr. Jack of all trades. Elizabeth Dad put himself in mortal danger going to Vietnam. Tom Brokaw has a book called the Greatest Generation and it is a very good read. It is about normal ordinary people doing extraodinary things.
In this clip we learn 2 things one respect your parents or they will lose there shit. 2 the working man is the tough guy, your father is the tough guy. This clip has always made since to me because who my father is. The only other new that is stupider than celebrity news is sport news and that is also pretty damn stupid. Neither are fascinating or that much more interesting that then need a news segment about there profession or lives.
Here is the best clip I could find of the greatest generation By:Tom Brokaw.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Finding Forrest. Great Movie 101.

        This is the first of many video clips that will be shared on the blog. If you haven't seen this movie stop watching and get this movie asap. Jasen and I had a really intelligent, long talk about this movie last Sunday. Everyone should watch this, at least, Once if not more after that. 
                                                                     Again for the 4x thanks, Jake. 
The movie poster
Hanging out with Busta Rhymes. 

My homemade phone stand

        My homemade phone, camera stand. For making video's, checking emails, reading the news, watching youtube, craigslist & ksl searches and updates. Whatever I do on my phone this thing has my back. So many features. Annnd I have figured out how to add a keyboard, mouse to it. P.s. This is my first post of everyday live.                                                                                     
                                                                                                     Thanks, Jake! 

The harder less taken road, Is the one I prefer.

        Let's start with the problem, Using social networking. It's not fun, problem central and the biggest thing..... EVERYBODY IS DOING IT! Going against the grain and finding the unbeaten path. Blogging seems to be the social network platform for me. 1.It's not easy you'll have to be creative and use your brain. 2.No friends, no adding. 3.No ads, no guilty reading. 4. The solution everything I do here is right and very well thought out. I want to share my everyday photo, video and just basic life. This is the place, to do it.                                                                                                                                                   Thanks, Jake.
It's all the cool you need. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Here's Whats New.

      I get asked all the time when are we getting a new blog, Where have you been, Are you still alive? Shit who knows, I am here alive and I am well if not I will eat an orange or an apple later. Down to ''Business'' quotation, there really isn't any.

Here's what's new: It's is freezing cold, God help there is some idiot standing on a corner by the end of the day there definitely dead. The wind chill alone is awful.
definitely dead

H.W.N 2: I have been talking to a guy who wants to be my youtube counterpart. We are slowly working on a name, Haven't fully determined the platform, But it will be good.
That could be him. 

H. W. N 3: I am slowly getting ready for building SEASON 2016. Collecting wood and ideas. Learning new things, stuff, etc.
This is what I dream about. 

H. W.  N.4: The garage will be insulted this year and weather proofed. So we can build all year long. That is going to be a long hard road.
The 2016 garage. 
H. W. N. 5: Want to start to learn how to weld. Jasen King will be the teacher.
Not Jasen, But could be.
H. W. N. 6: I want to start sharing more pictures and videos into the blog. learning new things, stuff, etc.
It's the best of everything. 
H. W. N. 7: I hope and believe that the youtube channel can be a mixed creation of dirty money AKA Jimmy Diresta and Casey Neistat. But with the Jake King AKA West Valley City Rebel touch. With a lot of blogs, vlogs, learning, laughing,
Casey is a total badass. For all you, apple users get beme and I will meet you there later.
This is the blog, maybe next time I will have something more interesting to talk about other than nothing. P.s. I break it down for you step by step in this blog cause I got nothing to talk about.                                                                                                                                                                                  Jake King

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Get Youtube Red.

     I am just going to get right into it. Get Youtube Red, I love listening to music on google play, I love the original content, save any video, watch offline, no commercials, an unlimited music supply and you support these true artist of media. ( need something to watch on youtube, I got channels) I use my youtube for inspiration, sharing, learning, laughing, real world cultural views. All of this from one video platform. This isn't a place for any certain person. Take me, for example, I wanted to learn more on DIY and skills. I took what other people were doing and applied those skills at what I as an individual could do in my own back yard. Router plunging, table saw maintenance's, shop maintenance's & organization skills.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Let's look at someone else's youtube experiment. About 3 years ago Liz & I decided to turn off cable completely and just watch the very basics, Netflix, Hulu and, of course, youtube. We have always paid for the other 2 until just recently. But we always found ourselves watching more and more youtube. (anyways back to the story) Liz wanted to watch some cooking & baking shows did a quick youtube search and she quickly found some cooking channels she enjoyed. So breaking it down youtube red is spotify with so many more bonuses. Spotify is great but youtube red is better much better.  

 Side Bar: I add 12 videos of all different variety. Watch some, or all. But I promise you they are all amazing contain.                                                            
                                                                                                      Jake King.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Friendship+Marriage=Rendageship. Best I could do for the time.

Good coffee morning                                                                                                        Elizabeth & I have been together going on 9 yrs.( If you can count that's since 2007) This relationship has not come without challenges. There was the issue of money, careers, families, influence of others, I am not saying the last 9 years have been easy, but the juice was worth the squeeze. After 9 years, things are finally right where they should be without going into details, everything is excellent. The challenges of life made each other lean toward the other for support. That been said, we come together for comfort, interest & support. Currently, we are each other favorite person to be around. In an average days time, we are together maybe 15-16 hours a day. (WOW I KNOW) We work the same job together, live together, best friends and lastly we have a lot of the same common interest. Such as we like a wide variety of youtube channels, making things, coffee, Netflix and making damn good food. Where am I going with all of this nonsense, blah, blah talking? If you going to be married, we do not have that person be the person you most enjoy being around. It make sense to us it is not going to work for everybody but for us it is a great friendship, business partner and of course marriage.                                                                                                                                                                       Thank you for read again.
                                                                                   Jake & Liz King

    SIDE: NOT BRAGGING BUT WE HAVE WORKED VERY HARD TO GET WERE ARE AND WE WANTED TO SHARE HOW FAR WE HAVE CAME TOGETHER AS A COUPLE. THANKS AGAIN.                                                                                                                                                    

Saturday, October 24, 2015

An Idea!

           Imagine if I took a thought, then into an idea, Give it a life of it's  my own. Then what if I took that idea and turned it into several other idea's. Now I am thinking. This could be or have to do with anything, anywhere, anytime. Closed minded, tunnel vision whatever you call it to get rid of that shit. At this moment in time, we are open minded and idea bound, success is just around the bend. I realize right now we currently sit in idea land, start up position. But it doesn't have to stay that way. I truly believe in my heart that I am free, and every idea is an opportunity. You can call me whatever a renegade, rebel, hooligan an innovator. I am going to have many ideas, thought and opinions. Mainly cause I think on my own and I am not a idiot, it took me a long time to learn such a gift. I am not being rude or self rightous more like confident in my self and my abilitys. Now why am I tell you all of this, Cause I have a idea and I am a few more blog away from releasing it. I am not changing my direction I am stepping my game up. There is everything you need to know about a idea.                                                                       Thanks Jake


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Failures & Options.

Yeah, me again,
            I have taken on new challenges at the job I currently hold. Feeling under pressure, uncertain and a failure. The learning curve that comes with this is stressful and very overwhelming. Seems like everything that can go wrong does, did or will. Doesn't go this way, not the right screw, different screwdriver, dead battery. I have to find a way to be better at this. Yes, this job is more difficult than I expected. I realize this is a step by step process, The entire system is a piece by piece method and can be extremely stressful, every build built is a battle won. A Little success is better than none at all, Just need to pay closer attention. Know that failure is not an option. Buckle down, Suit up, cause shit is about to get crazy.

This whole blog came from a single youtube video I was watching @ 1030 on a Friday night on confidence. Now I am writing and drinking coffee. I will get through this. I have a support system that can not fail Great music, The power of tool know-how And most importantly my wife (Elizabeth)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Tiny Houses

     The house we live in now is great, Plenty of rooms, Great solid brick house. We currently have 2 other roommates. Let's say they move out. Would it make much sense to have a 5 bedroom house with 4 bedrooms not being used? The tiny house sounds really awesome to us. Plant it in the back yard, rent the house out. have a kitchen, bathroom, small living room & a loft for just the 2 of us.We would build it and make it our own. Put all of the convenience that we don't presently have. Now realize if this did happen it is miles and miles down the road lot's of things have to happen first. As of right now it is a dream and a thought process being talked about between the 2 of us. But it is a something nice to consider. Here is an awesome picture of a tiny house. Yes, it is a shed but we would make it home.

Sorry, this is as long just don't have a ton of stuff to talk about today. 
                                                                                       Thanks, Jake

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Quality Music!

Um, Hello 
      Ever since I can remember all I have heard is your music is weird. That may be true to a point, but at least it not stupid. I don't waste my time listening to Nickleback, Justin Bieber, Fall Out Boy. So if your going to be so idiotic and say you music is weird then I am going to come back and say I don't listen to your radio trendy bullshit. I truly believe I listen to music that blesses my ear's and educate's my brain, has a rebellion sound and without a doubt it's made with nothing but pure talent. 

Since we're talking about music let's quote some I love. 

Street Dogs:
Another rainy New England night
At your wit's end with no hope in sight
You turn on Costello it's welcome to the working week
You're broke and cornered no one to call
On your shoulders the hardship falls
Yet something inside you stirs and you begin to smile

Social Distortion: 
I'm the high rolling creep that's in too deep
with the slicked back hair and the silver teeth, yeah baby
I'm a vagabond king with a stolen crown
I'm a jailhouse poet, a genius, a fool
I'm the pimp who lost his cool, yeah baby
I've got first class taste in a second class town

Never fell in love
until I fell in love with you
Never know what a good time was until I had a good time with you
If you wanna get the feeling and you wanna get it right
Then the music gotta be loud
for when the music hits I feel no pain at all

Newer, older all  sounds the same to me. Timeless! It is just all good quality music. With an amazing sound, lyrics. Social D, only has Mike Ness as their original member and he has kept the band and the sound together. Rancid is still great and always will be. Street Dogs I can't wait for the next album to come out in 5/6 years. There is so many another great band that aren't just in this genres. Johnny cash,  Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Jack Johnson, Eminem,  Fort Minor, Taylor Swift. Beastie Boys, Hank Williams, Ice Cube, Dr.Dre, Coldplay. Just to name a few. 

                                                                         Thank you 
                                                                              Jake King  

Sunday, September 27, 2015


       4:00 a.m. and I connect my headphones to my phone and at that moment I become free. When it's just me and the music nothing else's matters. Quoting Rancid (when I got the music I got a place to go.)  It is like no other place, It's one of the most positive influential atmosphere's we can put ourselves in. When it is just you and the music it is an experience like no other can deliver. I am not a musician of any kind, but I am a music adorner, and when a musician, artist or band hits that microphone at full speed that is the biggest high, blood pumping hell of a good time.

    Okay, I will admit it. You can go to a great concert/show and get just as great as a feeling. But I was talking about the personal moment. There are a lot of artists that make you feel like a part of the show and that is an amazing feeling. Again personal moment's is where I was going before. Now that I am where I am continuing on. Being in a moshpit singing along with that great artist/other fans is really awesome. Feeding off that energy and exciting is unbelievable. Thinking I have been 20/25 concert's shows in my life. Thank you once again for reading.

                                                                                                        Jake King

The most beautiful thing about music is you can expand it like a rubber band and make it take whatever shape you want.
Jake King December 2003

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Food Storage & Making Stuff

          Food storage and making stuff is something that Liz and I take quite seriously. We have several step we take to have a decent food storage. We make some, we buy some from the store. But mostly if we can make it we will. Now realize that we are just starting to can food our own food so by no means are we experts of any kind. The process we take Pick it, sometimes we juice it, can it, store it. We aren't rich, nor are we starving. But we are mild class people living on mild class wages. So with that being our real world reality. The best way we could figure out how to conquer, overcome the challenges of the world are to be, different, innovative, unique and cheap. Watch where every penny we make goes, This is not a tutorial for me to teach you how to be a cheapskate. This is me throwing out idea then we can talk about. I was not born into a family of money. So you have got to work hard to keep breathing.

Food storage...
       Where we store our food is outside. We currently have a total of 3 food storage lockers. 2 for food 1 for bottled water. All converted from freezer all lock and work great as what they are doing. All equally the same size. We felt like having them outside would mean if there were ever a nature disaster, house fire we could still have food.

Our making corner...
        From there making food and other household products is something we do very offer. Laundry soap, fabric softer, peanut butter, juicing, salsa, jams and jelly's just to name a few. We figured out it is not okay to keep putting money back into the corrupt beast. Be able to make something few people do is a big sense of accomplishment. And great way to save ton of money.

                                                                           THANK YOU